Looking to move? 5 ways to up your Brisbane home’s resale value

home’s resale value

Have the kids finally moved out and you’re looking to downsize? Or, does your home not suit your lifestyle anymore and you’ve found something more suitable? Whatever the reason for moving it is always best to optimise your return on investment.

This means upping your home’s current resale value, but what are the best ways to go about doing it? Naturally, there are numerous fail-proof alterations you can enlist to ensure your home sells for much more than you would have ever expected:

1. Enlist an expert

One of the best ways to develop a plan for upping your home’s resale value is to enlist a designer. They will come out to your home and see what specific details can be included or what can be changed to ensure your home’s resale value is much bigger than before. They are professionals who can see the details we often overlook and so this is the best place to start when it comes to making savvy alterations.

2. Change your openings

One of the first things potential buyers notice about your home are its openings. Therefore, you might want to consider getting new windows and the best aluminium door Brisbane has. After all, the front door is one of the very first details buyers notice aside from the front garden, so ensuring that you have new and elegant openings is an awesome way to leave a subtle-yet-lasting impression on buyers.

3. Redo the garden

Speaking of first impressions, the last thing you want is for a potential buyer to come to your home and find a scrappy mess of a garden. This says one of two things to them: extra work or extra money to pay for the work. Obviously, neither are ideal unless the buyer really loves a challenge.

Therefore, if your garden has gone neglected for some time then it is probably time you gave it a proper cleaning. Even just a solid working bee can make a massive difference in your home’s appearance and, consequently, its resale value. So don’t be afraid to don the gloves and get rid of any mess that might be lowering your home’s resale value.

4. Fresh paint

Nothing invigorates a home’s aesthetic than a fresh coat of paint. After many years of occupying a home that paint can start to fray and thin. We all know how a home looks when this happens: dull and unloved. Therefore, one of the best ways to show buyers that you have maintained your home over the years is through giving it a new coat of paint.

Naturally, buyers want to know that your home has been well looked after if they are going to spend more than what you initially would have expected. So, you might have to get out the brushes and the ladder to make a solid investment in upping your home’s resale value!

5. Make it energy-efficient

It’s easier than ever to make your home more energy-efficient. Whether it’s installing solar panels, energy-efficient air-conditioning, thermal insulation or something completely different, there are many ways you can make your home more energy-efficient.

Not only does making your home greener appeal to carbon footprint-conscious buyers, but they will also be very aware of the fact that greener installations will help reduce their own energy bill if they buy your property.

So, these are some of the best ways you can increase your property’s resale value, with each incrementally increasing it to an eye watering number you may not have thought possible!